President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan featured collaboration with Indonesia, particularly in the field of protection, as he talked with his recently chosen Indonesian partner Prabawo Subianto on Monday.
As per an assertion gave by the Directorate of Correspondences, President Erdoğan and his Indonesian partner, Subianto examined two-sided relations among Türkiye and Indonesia in the call, and the Turkish chief complimented Subianto on his political decision triumph.
Erdoğan said the well established relations among Türkiye and Indonesia will additionally foster in the new period and communicated his assumption that the two nations’ collaboration in all fields, especially the protection business, military, business, and monetary contacts, will be progressed inside the system of common trust and the interests of the country.
The president additionally said it is critical to keep teaming up with Indonesia on all issues concerning the Palestinian reason and the Islamic world, and that the main gathering of the Great Level Vital Participation Board laid out between the two nations ought to occur at the earliest conceivable time.
During the discussions, Erdoğan likewise complimented Subianto on the forthcoming Eid al-Fitr.