“How China Became Rich – From Poverty to Prosperity”, book launch by IPRI
Book is written by Syed Hasan Javed, a former ambassador, an academician and a truly expert on Chinese culture, politics and geopolitics
By: Muhammad Arif, Editor NSN.Asia
Islamabad: The Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI), one of the oldest non-partisan think tanks of the capital city will host an insightful launching ceremony of book “How China Became Rich – From Poverty to Prosperity”, written by Syed Hasan Javed, a former ambassador, an academician and a truly expert on Chinese culture, politics and geopolitics.

Those interested, can register for event.
Date and Time: 26-09-24 @ 11:00 AM to
26-09-24 @ 01:00 PM
Location: Islamabad, F-5 sector,
According official sources, the book launching ceremony will be attended by officials from leading institutions; diplomats and intellectuals and representatives of media organizations.
Ambassador Syed Hasan Javed has on credit a tremendous contribution for strengthening diplomatic ties between Pakistan and China.
Mr. Syed Hassan Javed, a distinguished diplomat and accomplished sinologist
Mr. Syed Hassan Javed is a distinguished diplomat of Pakistan who has served twice in China, and has inside information on historic evolution of China Pakistan friendship since 1952.
He has written several books covering various aspects of Chinese foreign policy, language and culture.
in his book ‘China. ‘ Rise of China And The Asian Century’, ex-ambassador Syed Hasan has predicted that the 21st Century belongs to Asia in general and China in particular because of marvelous economic achievements of ancient Middle Kingdom.
In his book, he wrote, “the rise of China is likely to be the greatest “game changer” of the 21st century, as compared to any other global phenomenon. It is the most important development of the century.
His famous books include ‘Chinese Made Easy’; Chinese-English-Urdu Dictionary; Chinese Soft Power Code; the Rise of China and the Asian Century and China, the West and the Islamic world.
Mr. Syed Hassan Javed has projected optimism about China by stating “Nothing would impact the world even remotely closer to this epoch-making historical development. China has converted its relative national power profile of inferiority and vulnerability into one of opportunity and strength for itself and others”
The Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) is one of the oldest non-partisan think tanks on all facets of National Security, including international relations & law, strategic studies, governance & public policy and economic security in Pakistan. Established in 1999, IPRI is affiliated with the National Security Division (NSD), Government of Pakistan. It exemplifies two decades of rigorous and timely analysis of crucial strategic agendas and inter-governmental processes that influence national and regional policy community.
Recognised for its objectivity and policy relevance, IPRI’s publications offer current, up-to-date and high-quality research in the form of authoritative journals, books, monographs and policy briefs. The Institute’s events vary from seminars on current international and national affairs to large-scale international conferences that attract renowned leaders, academics and policymakers from all over the world.
IPRI has recently undergone a reorientation of research culture with the objective of aligning its research products to policy issues germane to government and policy community. Well-researched policy briefs are regularly produced to offer actionable policy recommendations to policymakers at national level.
In order to foster goodwill and intellectual discourse between North-South and South-South in the realm of culture and ideas, IPRI also supports academic exchange programmes with regional and international researchers and think tanks.
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To inform policy and drive change through research and dialogue on topics of contemporary relevance across all facets of National Security.